403 designs & artwork



my first doodles of sol!! i still haven't figured out a concrete design for them yet but this is the vibe i want :] they would have a crazy sword collection. i also like to think that their stickers are either gifts or ones they made. drawing armor is really fun esp the reflections. sol would definitely befriend whoever owns the local forge. they would be a great mascot at renaissance fairs

designs of terabyte + experiments with their spine mechanism. the first image here was kind of a breakthrough with my style, i really enjoy the digital 'aesthetic' with all of the compression artifacts-- i like my art interacting with the idea of being seen by something mechanical or digital instead of a direct interpretation of reality (if that makes sense)


putting them in a video game..

heres's a link to it with music i made!!!!

sol!! i've been wanting to experiment with some colors, so this is just a quick sketch

terabyte in a store. maybe it would enjoy physical media :D (unfortunately, i don't know who took this original background image because it was a repost. however you can find the original unedited version here )

the archive

scrapped sol design. i initally wanted to do something mantis-like, but i feel like the appearance was too modern looking (not only because i wanted sol's design to look older than terabyte's, but also because i feel like it didn't convey the vibe of the Robot Experience i want to capture)